Podcast Recommendations

👋Hey there Podcaster! This week's newsletter is packed with exciting updates and valuable insights! We've been nominated for the Podcast People's Choice Awards, and your vote could help us bring home the win. Plus, we're diving deep into the power of mastermind groups and how they...

👋Hey there Podcaster! The Empowered Podcasting Conference is happening this week in Charlotte, North Carolina June 28-30!  Are you able to travel to Charlotte for the conference on June 28-30? The first FIVE people who reply to this email that they can come will receive a free...

👋Hey there Podcaster! The Empowered Podcasting Conference is happening this month in Charlotte, North Carolina June 28-30! We gave away two free trips and tickets to two lucky scholarship contest winners and well-deserved podcasters courtesy of Sid Meadows. Learn more about them below! We are getting all...

👋Hey there Podcaster! I have been on a couple podcasts lately discussing using Artificial Intelligence responsibly and ethically. It’s a good conversation as we embark on this new AI journey as podcasters, content creators, and business owners. 🌏Using AI Ethically and Responsibly My four-part interview with Simona on...

👋Hey there Podcaster! As we delve into new podcasting content every week, I am thrilled to continue our journey of elevating our knowledge in this field together! 🎙️The #1 Mistake New Podcasters Make! I was so grateful to have joined Empowered Podcasting Clubhouse moderator, Simona Costantini on her...

👋Hey there Podcaster! Happy “May the 4th Be With You” to my fellow Star Wars fans. If you like Star Wars, keep an eye out on my Instagram today for a special podcast-related post! Don’t be underprepared, bring your podcasting A-game with the checklist below. ☑️Podcast Recording Checklist Most...

👋Hey there Podcaster! Let’s plant the seeds of podcasting success together! Get your shovel and dig into some helpful podcasting tips! 🤝The Power of Podcasting Commitment We have been focusing on the 3 Cs of podcasting in Clubhouse recently which include Consistency, Commitment, and Confidence. Last week, we...

👋Hey there Podcaster! I’m getting back into the swing of things and ready to knock it out of the podcasting park with the help of AI!   🤖ChatGPT Podcaster Prompts! Check out my Carousel with 5 chatGPT prompts for podcasters. A few of the prompts are listed below for...