šŸš€ChatGPT-4 Turbo Takes Off! šŸŽ„Keeping the Mic Warm during the Holidays & šŸ™A Season of Gratitude

šŸš€ChatGPT-4 Turbo Takes Off! šŸŽ„Keeping the Mic Warm during the Holidays & šŸ™A Season of Gratitude





šŸ‘‹Hey there Podcaster!

I hope your holiday preparations are going smoothly. With Thanksgiving just around the corner for everyone in the U.S., it’s a time to reflect on gratitude, which plays a vital role in my life. Below, you’ll find some insightful information on the significance and effectiveness of gratitude in achieving success, however you define it. Additionally, if you’re considering taking a break from your podcast this season, I’ve got some excellent tips to help you keep your listeners engaged!

The revolutionary ChaptGPT will officially be one year old this month on November 30 and OpenAI wanted to celebrate with a big update! Letā€™s get into it!šŸ‘‡

šŸš€ChatGPT-4 Turbo Takes Off!











2023 is already winding down, I canā€™t believe how quickly this year has gone! Donā€™t count 2023 out yet though, there are big things dropping now that can inspire and streamline your content. Have you checked your updated ChatGPT Plus account yet? The big update dropped last week!

A new announcement came on November 6 from OpenAI on its new annual ā€œDevDayā€ speech from OpenAIā€™s headquarters in San Francisco, California discussing the latest AI advancements for software developers. The next update to the platform is called GPT-4 Turbo!Ā 

Nick and I went live on Instagram last week to discuss this exciting announcement! Nick also created a great YouTube summary video in our NextGen Podcaster channel. Detailed information on the update is below!

This update includes dozens of upgrades with a reduced price tag for software developers who use ChatGPT and at a higher speed! Itā€™s definitely worth celebrating with the other 100 million weekly users of ChatGPT.

šŸ‘‡Letā€™s talk about the changes:

  • Integration: All of the separate tools will be in one chat, no more selecting one tool and opening a new chat to start over and select a different tool like: web browsing, code interpreter, DALL-E 3, and third party plug-ins.
  • Data Update: Previously, ChatGPT was updated with data through September 2021, and now it is updated through April 2023. These data updates will continue to happen so that it will never be that far behind again.
  • Copyright Shield: If there are any Copyright claims against a ChatGPT user, OpenAI will go to bat for you with their lawyers and their wallets!
  • GPT Custom Bot Builder: This one is epic! You can create your own customized GPT bot to perform a certain task. You can create many specialized bots.
    • Donā€™t worry about the tech, no need to know how to code your bot. This bot is created just like anything else on ChatGPT, through a conversation.
    • You can upload data/information/instructions, allow certain actions and tools to be implemented, and generate startup questions.
    • While creating your bot, the bot is instantly previewed for you to start using as you build it.
    • Imagine creating a bot for your podcast to recall guests, episode numbers, conversations, etc. Have your bot repurpose the content, help with script writing, planning, show notes, and social media.
    • Your custom-made bot can be private, public, or sold on a new chatGPT marketplace (released later this month).Ā 
  • Content Length: Previously ChatGPT could handle 32k of input content, now GPT-4 Turbo can handle 128k or 300 pages of content as an input.
  • More Control: The model will now have more accurate responses, can be seeded to have consistent predictable outputs, and can function with multiple simultaneous requests.
  • Speaking: You can now use text-to-speech with chatGPT. GPT will respond in audio as well with six preset voices to choose from.Ā 
  • Visuals: You can now use images as inputs. GPT will be able to help with captions, descriptions, and analysis of the image.
  • Canva: This plug-in will now be integrated with chatGPT and its capabilities will be improved from the current limited template plug-in.
  • Zapier: Integration possibilities are endless with Zapier/ChatGPT, like a personal assistant. Anytime your personal data is required to perform a task such as viewing your Google Calendar, chatGPT will ask you if it is ok to access the calendar data.
  • Other Integrations: Microsoft, Shopify, Discord, Snapchat, and many more companies are integrating further with openAI to expand their AI capabilities.

Learn more about this update at OpenAIā€™s blog here or watch the DevDay video here.

šŸ‘‰Want to join us in our NextGen Podcaster group? We will be discussing these updates in detail, sharing our opinions and insights, and guiding you how to streamline and monetize your content. You know we are already making our podcast GPT bots! The membership is free for 30-days without any credit card information, join us! šŸ‘

šŸŽ„Keeping the Mic Warm: Preparing for the Holidays and Podcast Breaks











For podcasters, the joyous season of holidays can pose a unique challenge: taking a well-deserved break without losing the rhythm of their show or the attention of their audience. Hereā€™s how you can keep your audience engaged even when new episodes are on pause and a great idea when you come back to the show.

Plan Ahead

Let your audience know about the upcoming break in advance. This transparency helps manage their expectations and builds trust. Consider recording a special episode explaining your plans for the holiday season, and what they can look forward to when you return.

Best Of Episodes

Curate ā€˜best ofā€™ episodes or season highlights to keep the content flowing. This not only fills the gap but also serves as a great entry point for new listeners to get hooked on your best content.

Engage on Social Media

Just because the show is on a break doesnā€™t mean the conversation has to stop. Keep your social media accounts buzzing with interactive content: polls, Q&As, throwback episodes, or teasers for the upcoming season.Ā 

This could be planned ahead and scheduled, in order to take a break from social media. However, engagement on the platform should also be conducted and can be as simple as a short 10 minute timeframe a few times a week.

Holiday Specials

Record a holiday special in advance. A timeless episode thatā€™s relevant to the holiday season can provide your listeners with value while youā€™re away, keeping the festive spirit alive. Consider inviting back a repeat or popular guest for a holiday themed episode.

Alternatively, an episode about mental health support during the holidays and winter season is a thoughtful idea for those listeners who find the season more of a struggle. Being more open about your own story can be relatable to your listeners.

Community Building

Use the break to foster community. Encourage listeners to engage with each other through online forums or social media groups. Share user-generated content to make your listeners feel seen and heard. See a new review? Highlight it on your social media!


Have a cause that means something to you or even matches the podcast content? Let your audience know that you are fundraising for it. Share your story and why you chose the charity on your episode and/or social media. Reach out to the charity to see if they want to be on the podcast.

Exclusive Content

Offer something exclusive to look forward to. It could be early access to new episodes, behind-the-scenes content, or bonus material for subscribers to keep them intrigued.

Themed Content

Do you ask each guest a common question? Use this answer snippet from the guests to create new sharable content on social media or create a new podcast episode with your commentary added and reflecting on your conversation with your guests.

Similarly, if you wanted to create a ā€œblooper reelā€ you could highlight funny parts of your episodes to create new content and show a different lighter side of yourself.

Personal Touch

Add a personal touch. Send out a holiday message or newsletter to your subscribers thanking them for their support and sharing personal anecdotes or holiday wishes.

Podcaster Collaboration

During the break, swap a ā€˜best ofā€™ podcast episode with a fellow podcaster that has a similar audience. Create a unique intro setting up the episode so your listeners arenā€™t thrown off. For the unique episode outro, ask your audience what they thought of the podcast and an easy way to share that feedback.Ā 

Make sure to include all of the other podcasterā€™s information in the show notes, and make sure your links are trackable so you can see the effectiveness of the collaboration. Swap the audience feedback and episode downloads data with your podcast collaborator.

Have you been eye-balling a podcast that is similar? Reach out and see what they think! Make sure you already have your episode picked out to share. Feel free to reach out to other podcasters in our Empowered Podcasting Facebook Group.

When You Return

Nick Nalbach deserves credit for this brilliant idea, which he shared in response to a podcaster’s question on Clubhouse. When you return for a new season or after a break, consider creating a recap episode. You can compile audio snippets from your introductory episodes, ‘best of’ compilations, or any segments that delve into your story and motivations. Incorporate these clips into your comeback episode to both remind existing subscribers and attract new listeners. Enhance the episode by adding fresh commentary, such as setting up the context for the clips, providing additional details, weaving them together, or sharing a new, relevant story.

Additionally, your audience will appreciate a recap of how you spent your time away. This could also be an opportune moment to experiment with your podcast, perhaps by introducing a new opening sequence or trying out a different segment.

By implementing these strategies, you can enjoy your holiday breaks without fear of losing touch with your audience. Itā€™s about keeping the essence of the show alive, even when the mic is off, and maintaining the anticipation for whatā€™s to come.

šŸ™The Enduring Power of Gratitude







Gratitude is not just for Thanksgiving but a habit that can be cultivated dailyā€‹. With daily practice, gratitude can change your brain and be a key to your success and happiness.Ā 

Gratitude is more than a simple thank you; itā€™s a catalyst for positive change that reinforces our happiness and well-being. Acknowledging the good in our lives has been linked to an array of psychological, physical, and social benefits. Emotionally, gratitude enhances our mood, reduces stress, and fosters resilience, even in the face of adversity. From a physical standpoint, it has been associated with improved sleep, better immune function, and lower blood pressure. Socially, gratitude helps build stronger relationships and can lead to increased feelings of connectedness and improved teamwork. By making thankfulness a habitual practice, you can cultivate a more optimistic outlook on life, create a positive social environment, and improve overall health, making it a practice that truly pays it forward.

Below are a couple podcast recommendations to get you into the gratitude practice:

Feel like expressing some gratitude publicly? Join us in the Empowered Podcasting Clubhouse rooms Mon-Fri 7-8am EST or write a post in our Facebook Group!

Iā€™m so grateful to be connected with you and a part of your podcast journey.Ā 

All My Best,




šŸ‘‹Marc Ronick

This content was composed with assistance from OpenAI