🤖ChatGPT for Podcasters Cheat Sheet💻

🤖ChatGPT for Podcasters Cheat Sheet💻

👋Hey there Podcaster!

The Ultimate Podcaster Prize Pack Giveaway ends today, Jan 18Enter now, don’t miss this big opportunity!

It is getting closer to Podfest (next week!), I hope to meet up with anybody else who will be attending in person!

🤖ChatGPT Podcaster Cheat Sheet Free Download

My Reel from last week describes how to use ChatGPT to generate podcast episode titles.

I created a free list of podcaster prompts using ChatGPT. This is an easy to reference PDF you can use to copy/paste the prompts.

👉Get ChatGPT Freebie Here👈

🏦Recession Proof Your Podcast

Last week in our daily Clubhouse room, we had an engaging discussion about a recession and what you can do to prepare as a podcaster.

I believe that there’s always opportunity for growth and impact in the world of podcasting, especially for independent and small podcasters. Despite the economy, new listeners are discovering and engaging with podcasts every day. Remember, podcasting is a long-term strategy, and you shouldn’t make big decisions based on short-term global changes or forecasts. Instead, stay focused on the feelings and moods of the times, take a moment to process your own feelings as well, but overall, stay flexible and keep podcasting!

The idea for this topic came from a recent article titled “This Could Be a Rough Year for the Podcast Industry“. Go to: https://www.clubhouse.com/room/P9z00GBX to hear a replay of our discussion.

🦶What 5 Things Should You Include in Your Podcast Episode Footer?

The podcast platform Buzzsprout added a new feature recently, giving you the ability to include content in the footer of all your podcast episode show notes. This saves you the trouble of having to remember to copy and paste the same information in the show notes each time. Watch how to do it on Buzzsprout here.

But what should be included in your podcast episode footer?

Here are 5 Essentials:

1: CREDITS: Podcast credits naming the host/s, music, editor, etc. You can also use this section to notify listeners if you are open to people contacting you for being a guest on the podcast and how to do that.

2: REVIEWS: Where to leave a review and best way to contact the show to provide personalized feedback.

3: FOLLOWS: Where to follow the show and hosts on social media.

4: CALL TO ACTION: Ways to support the show.

  • Donation: such as Buy Me a Coffee.
  • Products: personalized podcast merch or other items to purchase.
  • Your Business: Lead your audience to your amazing email list, course, book, coaching business, freebie, etc.
  • Advertisers, Sponsors & Affiliates: Link to the different products and services you mention during your show.

5: THANKS: A quick thank you for listening.

Are you using an episode footer? What do you include in yours? Hit reply and let me know!

🔦Spotlight on He Walks Like a Cowboy

iRonick Media presents a spotlight on our client (and one of my best friends), Jonah Berger’s podcast, He Walks Like a Cowboy. The podcast delves into an honest discussion of the human spirit, the value of a positive attitude, and how strength can be found in the weakest of places. This podcast journey will take you beyond your comfort zone to where you start to really learn about yourself and your ability to navigate seemingly impassable waters. Jonah shares the times where his disability (CMT) has empowered him to learn about strength and triumph. He brings motivating and inspiring guests who are champions of overcoming adversity and making the world shine brighter. And, this show will help you to start to see your challenges as your greatest gifts.

Jonah is a 50 year old youth director and motivational speaker. He works with kids and adults who deal with CMT as well as other disabilities. He’s a husband, a father, an author, a drummer, a leg brace wearer and an observer of life. Come take a walk with Jonah down the path of perspective that will leave you thinking and smiling.

Take a listen to the podcast here.

I’m so grateful to be connected with you and a part of your podcast journey.

All My Best,

👋Marc Ronick