🆕Game Changing New ChatGPT Features!

🆕Game Changing New ChatGPT Features!





đź‘‹Hey there Podcaster!

There are new game changing features rolling out in ChatGPT lately, and I can’t wait to talk with you about it so we can keep leveling up! I am also so proud of our Empowered Podcasting and NextGen Podcaster communities this past week, sharing some real insights into the personal development side of podcasting. Lastly, we finish up July’s Disability Pride Month with another podcast highlight!

🆕Game Changing New ChatGPT Features!









There are so many new game changing features popping up for ChatGPT lately! Let’s Discuss!!!📣

  • Code Interpreter: Not only does the beta feature “Code Interpreter ” let you upload a file to the prompt, but you can also upload a zip file with multiple files in it. We have been discussing this feature a lot lately in the Empowered Podcasting and NextGen Podcaster Be sure to join the conversation!
  • Custom Instructions: Last week I shared a reel and blog describing the new beta Custom Instructions feature. This new feature allows Plus users to tell ChatGPT about themselves including personal or business information such as their location, work, hobbies, interests, and subjects of expertise. This information is then considered when ChatGPT is responding to prompts, making it more personalized and effective for you. There is much more to this, be sure to check it out!

🤝 Empowered Podcasting Personal Development





Need a little motivation and a community of podcasters to tap into? Look no further than our Empowered Podcasting/Podcasting Morning Chat live Clubhouse rooms every weekday morning at 7am EST, listen to the room replays, or posts in the Facebook Group.

This past week, we were sharing the personal development and mental aspect of our podcasting origin stories, how we have changed, and the power of self-discovery. These rooms are definitely worth a replay if you weren’t there! I’m so honored to be a part of and help lead these communities with podcasters who get what it means to show up for each other!

Every Friday we discuss our wins for the week and post them in the Facebook group. We’d love to celebrate your wins with you! Check out a recent win from one of our beloved community members, Paula:

“This year, being part of this community has brought in so much joy, love, support but most importantly… Knowledge! Everybody who has stepped on that stage (CH) and shared or shared via the comments… hearing people’s wins (MOTIVATION) and everything that’s shared in here has helped me become a better person, listener and learner! Of all the wins, joining this community is my BIGGEST WIN FOR THIS YEAR! Most of us go on not knowing whether or not we are truly inspiring people out there and i want to say you are whether you know it or not but one things for sure… you all in here INSPIRE THE HELL OUT OF ME & I AM FOREVER GRATEFUL FOR BEING A PART OF THIS FAMILY 💜” – Paula Sima Mulamula

Paula is a passionate advocate for mental health awareness and a strong believer in the power of authenticity and vulnerability. We are very lucky to have her in the Empowered Podcasting community. Connect with Paula on Instagram, read a feature article about her in Bold Journey, and listen to her podcast Talk Shit with P.

🦽July National Disability Pride Month Highlight: SuccessFULL with ADHD









In honor of National Disability Pride Month, we are excited to highlight a captivating podcast that celebrates the strengths and successes of individuals with ADHD. Discover the empowering world of “SuccessFULL with ADHD,” a podcast designed for fellow ADHDers who grapple with overwhelm, chaos, and negative self-beliefs in their journey with ADHD. Hosted by Brooke Schnittman MA, PCC, BCC, an experienced ADHD Coach and Expert with over 17 years of experience (and MY business and ADHD coach!), this podcast delves into the challenges and triumphs of living with unmanaged ADHD.

Join Brooke and her guests as they share their personal journeys with ADHD, revealing how they overcame the associated struggles and achieved success. Each episode offers a valuable #1 pro tip for fellow individuals with ADHD, providing practical insights to navigate life more effectively.

If you’re seeking inspiration and guidance on your own path to success with ADHD, tune in to “SuccessFULL with ADHD” and embark on your transformative journey today!

I was one of Brooke’s first guest’s on her show.  Here’s the link if you’d like to check that one out: https://www.coachingwithbrooke.com/successfull-with-adhd/episode/7d269062/boys-arent-misdiagnosed-with-adhd-right-with-marc-ronick

I’m so grateful to be connected with you and a part of your podcast journey.

All My Best,




đź‘‹Marc Ronick

This content was composed with assistance from OpenAI