📈Growth Mindset: Years of Lessons Learned in Podcasting

📈Growth Mindset: Years of Lessons Learned in Podcasting





👋Hey there Podcaster!

I’m sending you a message from the Podcast Movement conference in Denver, Colorado! I am loving the networking and learning opportunities I have had while I am here and I can’t wait to share more information in our Clubhouse rooms.

📈Growth Mindset: Years of Lessons Learned in Podcasting












I recently had the opportunity to sit down as a guest on one of my client’s podcasts and we had a blast! Check out the podcast Bucket List Careers with Christa Lauri. We have a similar career background in television media transitioning to podcasting and discuss the lessons learned over the years. Below are a few highlights from our discussion:

🌟If you invest in yourself, surround yourself with positive influences, and focus on what makes you unique, that’s where the magic really happens.

🌟Fear of failure is a podcast show-stopper. Self-doubt, overthinking, overcomplicating, second-guessing, and comparing yourself to others’ success is a sure way to build fear. If you are stuck in this mindset, reaching out to a coach and talking through it can help in a big way to develop the right abundant mindset.

🌟As podcasters, when we channel our passions, and it can spark a mindset shift to unlock our true potential.

This episode has something for you, whether you have been podcasting for a decade or haven’t started yet. Check out the full podcast episode here.

🤝Squadcast and Descript Integration




Last week it was announced that the recording platform, Squadcast, and the editing platform, Descript, have integrated to revolutionize the podcast and video editing workflow. With this integration, creators can effortlessly record their content in SquadCast and then seamlessly transition to Descript for editing. Descript’s innovative features, powered by AI magic, allow users to convert their recordings into text, enabling them to edit just by typing. Whether it’s removing filler words, enhancing speech quality, or even fixing audio mistakes with the Overdub feature, Descript ensures a polished final product. Moreover, creators can repurpose their content for social media, adding captivating elements like animated captions, GIFs, and waveforms. This collaboration promises a faster and more efficient content creation process, making it a game-changer for podcasters and video creators.

Read more about this integration and sign up here.

🎒Pod-Story: Back to School with Daddy Daughter Book Worms











To wrap up our National Back-to-School month theme, I had a chance to interview Alex regarding his book-review podcast that he does with his daughter, Lucy. Alex is a member of our Clubhouse room and I’m so excited to get to highlight his show through this new Pod-Story format. Read on to hear more about their show and who knows, maybe you’ll start a show with your kid too! Be sure to check out Alex & Lucy’s show, Daddy Daughter Book Worms, and listen in wherever you get your podcasts.

Can you tell me how you got the idea to start your podcast?

Lucy has watched me podcast for years and she wanted to podcast with me so that is really how it all started. We took her love of books and combined it with my love of podcasting and here we are.

How have you or your podcast changed since you started it?

I have learned more patience than ever before. She is a great podcast partner and will do second takes but I am the one that needs to slow down when working with her.

What do you love most about podcasting?

What I love the most for this project is I get to work with my daughter on something I love that can help her in her school work down the road. She creates her own show notes with my wife and we try and find more details that we can share that will help her look at books differently.

What kind of hurdles have you come across while podcasting?

My biggest hurdle was the fear of messing up or being in the hot seat.

Has anything surprising or amazing come out of your podcasting experience that you didn’t expect?

Yes I can’t believe all the people we reach from all over the world. It truly is an honor to know that there are people looking forward to what we have to say!

Do you have a favorite episode that means a lot to you?

For Daddy Daughter BookWorms episode 2 just because we hashtagged the Plaza Hotel in NYC and they responded back. I really am so happy with how Lucy has grown in the small amount of episodes we have done.

As a fellow podcaster, what’s one piece of advice that you would give to someone who is just starting or thinking about starting a podcast?

Just DO IT! As I told Lucy every episode is better than the next because we are learning how to speak into the mic. Smile when you are speaking and be close to the mic if you are excited about what your talking about.

How has Marc’s advice or guidance assisted or impacted you on your podcast journey?

Marc has been amazing to the process! His encouragement and support I can’t put into words. He will always take the time to check in and will get back to you. What I love about the way Marc take is that he looks at this as a student and a teacher.

Anything else you would like to add?

I have been part of a network for many years but I feel coming to the Morning Podcast chat has brought my podcast knowledge to new heights. I am a better podcaster because of surrounding myself with such forward thinking people in the podcast space.

I’m so grateful to be connected with you and a part of your podcast journey.

All My Best,




👋Marc Ronick

This content was composed with assistance from OpenAI