🎙️ Hawk Tuah Joins the Podcasting World: What Does This Mean for the Future of Podcasts?

🎙️ Hawk Tuah Joins the Podcasting World: What Does This Mean for the Future of Podcasts?








đź‘‹Hey there Podcaster!

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Next Tuesday, September 24th, is your chance to win a lifetime subscription to Minvo.pro! For the past three weeks, I’ve been giving away these exclusive memberships during the live Minvo ProCast, and now it’s your last chance to win.

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1. RSVP on LinkedIn for the upcoming Minvo ProCast by 11am EST on 9/24

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🎙️ Hawk Tuah Joins the Podcasting World: What Does This Mean for the Future of Podcasts?











Hawk Tuah, a name that made waves in June after a viral video spread like wildfire, is now making an impact in an entirely different arena: podcasting. But what does this shift from short-form viral content to long-form audio mean for the future of podcasting?

We’ve seen it before—social media sensations leveraging their online fame to branch out into new platforms. And Hawk Tuah (Hailey Welch) is just the latest in a growing trend of influencers dipping their toes into podcasting. This move reflects a broader pattern of viral stars translating their digital success into new formats, and it’s becoming clear that the podcasting world is an attractive next step for many of them.

But why podcasting, and why now? For many influencers, podcasting offers something that social media often lacks—depth and connection. While platforms like TikTok and Instagram thrive on bite-sized, fast-moving content, podcasts offer the chance to slow down, dive deep into discussions, and build a more personal relationship with an audience. For stars like Hawk Tuah, who have built massive followings through quick, engaging videos, podcasting is a natural evolution that allows them to expand on the stories they tell and the personas they’ve crafted.

However, the real question is: does viral social media fame guarantee success in the podcasting world?

Podcasting is a medium built on consistency, thoughtful content, and, often, high production quality—traits that don’t always come hand-in-hand with the rapid rise to fame on social media. Hawk Tuah’s first podcast episode, which dropped just last week, wasn’t exactly studio-level polished. It had its rough edges, and you could feel the learning curve. But in today’s media world, is perfection even necessary?

In a world where viral personalities are stepping into the podcasting game, we might see a shift in what audiences expect. Will listeners demand high-quality production and well-researched content, or will they follow these influencers based purely on the personalities they’ve come to know and love? My belief? I think it all comes down to the value of the content above everything else. Deliver value to your audience and they’ll come back for more.

🎗️Support a Great Cause: The CMTA Walk in Honor of Jonah














I’m excited to share that I’ll be participating in the CMTA (Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association) Walk at the end of this month in honor of my dearest friend, Jonah. Jonah has been living with CMT, a genetic disease that weakens muscles and affects movement. While there’s no cure yet, promising research is underway to find one.

In addition to being my best friend, Jonah’s also a fighter and an inspiration. He hosts this walk every year to raise awareness and funds for CMT research, and I’m proud to walk alongside him this year. I’m asking for your help. My goal is to raise $1,000, and with your support, I know we can blow that out of the water.

If you can, please donate whatever you can to help us reach this goal. Every dollar counts toward finding a cure and supporting families like Jonah’s, who are directly impacted by this disease. Let’s show the power of our community and make a difference together.

Thank you for being part of this journey with me!

➡️ The Art of Delegation











How easy is it for you to give up control of aspects of your business or podcast?

Let’s be honest—letting go can be tough for a lot of us. If you’re like me, you’ve probably had moments where you thought, “No one can do this as well as I can,” or “Why should I give up any of the profit I’m making?” I get it, I’ve been there too.

Before I started bringing podcast editors into my business, I was convinced that doing everything myself was the way to go. It felt safer. But here’s the thing—I was quickly noticing that holding on to every task was a fast track to burnout.

If you’re spending hours tweaking edits, creating graphics, or handling repetitive tasks, it’s probably time to start thinking about delegating.

Still not sure? I was hesitant too. But what helped me was changing my perspective. sure, delegation has a cost attached to it. I look at that cost as an investment. Yes, you’ll have to pay for someone’s help, but the return is worth it. And you may find out they can do the job better or more efficiently! Think about what you gain: more time to focus on what you love, the chance to grow your business or podcast, and—let’s be real here—your sanity.

If you’re struggling to hand off tasks, reach out to me. I have solutions to help.

Otherwise, start small. Pinpoint the biggest time-sucks in your day and delegate those first. It’s a process, and it’s not about abandoning control; it’s about building a team and teaching them to do things your way.

So, are you delegating parts of your business or podcast yet? What advice would you give someone who’s still hesitating to take that step?

I’m so grateful to be connected with you and a part of your podcast journey.

All My Best,

Marc Roncik




đź‘‹Marc Ronick

This content was composed with assistance from OpenAI
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