🎙️Podcast Guest Best Practices

🎙️Podcast Guest Best Practices





👋Hey there Podcaster!

The summer is officially half-way over, I have been enjoying time with family recently and loving the test to engineer my new traveling podcast setup, which is working great. Let me know if you would like to have some on-the-go podcasting tips! 

In this newsletter, I share that on Clubhouse we have been talking about podcast guest interviews and share some great tips! Edison Research also surprised me with data about kids and podcasts. Did you know that a third of kids listen to podcasts? I didn’t know it was that high! Lots of opportunity here for podcast shows geared towards kids and families. This month I will be focusing on highlighting podcasts that are “schooling” us in preparation for back-to-school time.

🎙️Podcast Guest Best Practices











Last week in our Empowered Podcasting Clubhouse rooms we dug into the best practices for podcast guests. Here are some different interview experiences and valuable tips that came out of the conversation.

How to prepare your guest for an interview:

  • As a podcast host, preparing your guest is crucial. If they’re new to podcasts, give them a brief introduction, including recording tips and techniques. Ensure they’ve received any pre-agreed topics or questions to prepare in advance. Discuss when and how you’ll ask about their promotional material to prevent overuse during the conversation.
  • Remember, the goal is to make your guest comfortable, especially if they’re new or reserved. Clearly communicate the interview details and encourage a collaborative atmosphere. Share topic ideas and gauge their comfort level.
  • As a host, the onus is on you to research your guest and guide the conversation to keep it on-brand. While pre-calls can dampen the spontaneity of the interview, if you choose to have one, record it for potential use. Continue recording after the interview ends to capture any insightful comments. Remember to always let your guest know when you’re recording any parts of a conversation.
  • Ensure you have the correct guest bio and pronunciation of their name.

Dealing with a guest’s sensitive topics:

  • When dealing with sensitive topics, obtain written permission from the guest if you plan to share the content on other platforms. Avoid exploiting a guest’s vulnerability for your show’s reach. Instead, share impactful content from their interview thoughtfully. Respect your guest’s wishes to remove sensitive content, even if you have full rights to the content.
  • If interviewing a minor, ensure a guardian is present. Use ice-breakers to make them comfortable.
  • Never blindside your guest. Ask upfront about any off-limits topics and remind them after the interview to mention anything they’d like removed. While they won’t have creative control, they should be able to protect their brand.
  • Maintaining your reputation as an authentic host is vital. Strive for great content while upholding your integrity.

How to engage your podcast guest during the interview:

  • Engaging your podcast guest effectively during an interview is crucial. Start recording as soon as you enter the room, virtual or physical, to capture valuable content and ease the pressure of initiating the recording just before the interview.
  • Guests often stick to a script, focusing on promoting their business or brand. To encourage more engaging and spontaneous content, establish a professional atmosphere that shows respect for their time and mission. Discuss their promotional material early on, outlining when it will be further discussed during the show and where it will be featured, such as in the show notes or on your website.
  • While preparation can boost a guest’s confidence, avoid giving a detailed list of questions if your show is more conversational. This prevents canned responses and allows for a more organic conversation. Over-preparation on your part can also hinder your ability to guide an engaging discussion.
  • Remember, the goal is to provide your audience with valuable content. If necessary, have a pre-interview call to build rapport and ensure authenticity. Avoid overly scripted interviews to maintain value and authenticity.

There is not a “one-size fits all” scenario and I recommend trying different strategies to find what works best for you, your show, and your guests. Did any of these podcast guest best practices resonate with you? Reply and let me know!

👪Podcast Playtime: Kids are Tuning In and Parents are Loving It!











Edison Research just released their Kids Podcast Listener Report. It turns out, kids are just as hooked on podcasts as we are!

Nearly a third of U.S. kids aged 6-12 are tuning into podcasts every month. That’s right, 29% of them are podcast enthusiasts! And the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree – if their parents are podcast listeners, the number jumps to a whopping 42%.

But here’s the real kicker – these kiddos aren’t just passive listeners. They’re super engaged! A staggering 87% of them have shared something they learned from a podcast. And it’s not just a solo activity, either. Podcasts are bringing families together, with 68% of parents joining in for a listen, and 54% of kids tuning in with their siblings.

So, what’s the secret sauce that’s making podcasts a hit with the kids? They’re fun, they can be enjoyed while doing other things, and they’re a great way to spend time with the family. Plus, who can resist the charm of their favorite podcast hosts?

Next time you’re on a family road trip, remember – podcasts are the new ‘I spy’. They’re making car rides more fun, sparking family discussions, and who knows, they might just be raising the next generation of podcasters!

🎒Pod-Story: Back to School with Schoolutions











August is National Back-to-School month and our first featured podcast is Schoolutions, hosted by Olivia Wahl. I’m so excited for this to be our first Pod-Story in a new series where we interview the hosts of our featured podcasts each week and share their responses with you.

Connect with Olivia by listening to her podcast, subscribing to her channel on YouTube or finding her on Twitter, Instagram, or Threads.

Can you tell me how you got the idea to start your podcast?

I am a teacher/coach/consultant and wanted to offer solutions to issues in public education that I experienced first-hand.

How have you or your podcast changed since you started it?

I have refined my production, interview skills, and how I promote each episode. I am excited to be releasing with video for season three (releasing on 9.18.23). Learning all of the editing software has been a wonderful challenge and very fulfilling.

What do you love most about podcasting?

I love connecting with other people that are asset-based thinkers and inclined to persevere through obstacles we face in public education.

What kind of hurdles have you come across while podcasting?

Learning how to use all of the editing software has been challenging. I am always hoping to gain more sponsors and partnerships for the podcast. Balancing the various tasks it takes to maintain the podcast alongside teaching/coaching/consulting and time with family is always a juggling act.

Has anything surprising or amazing come out of your podcasting experience that you didn’t expect?

I am always amazed by how gracious people are with their time to be in conversation. I love the relationships that have blossomed, thanks to the podcast. I appreciate that listeners have used the podcast and transcripts as content for university classes, professional learning within school districts and at school board meetings.

Do you have a favorite episode that means a lot to you?

It would be hard to choose a favorite. I am rereleasing all of seasons 1 & 2 this summer to my new YouTube Channel. It has been wonderful to relisten and transcribe all of these episodes. I learn new ideas from each guest with every relisten. I would say S2 E1 with Cornelius Minor is one of my favorite episodes because he has been a mentor for me as a teacher for many years before I had the privilege of interviewing him for the podcast.

As a fellow podcaster, what’s one piece of advice that you would give to someone who is just starting or thinking about starting a podcast?

I would offer them tips for streamlining the editing process as well as inspiration to stick with it. I think many people have the misconception that every episode will immediately get 10,000 downloads and that’s just not the case. I think every listener and download should be honored and appreciated and that promoting the podcast and episodes is really important to grow your audience.

How has Marc’s advice or guidance assisted or impacted you on your podcast journey?

Marc’s reels and podcast coaching sessions have been a constant support since I launched in March of 2022. His tips about shorter episode intros (and allowing guests to instead share about themselves throughout the episode), how to edit video footage, and how to gain sponsors have been invaluable.

Anything else you would like to add?

It is an honor to have Schoolutions highlighted. Each guest has their own story to share and I am grateful to have their voices illuminated.

I’m so grateful to be connected with you and a part of your podcast journey.

All My Best,





👋Marc Ronick

This content was composed with assistance from OpenAI