đź“ŠPodcast Listening at Record High!

đź“ŠPodcast Listening at Record High!

đź‘‹Hey there Podcaster!

Podcast Movement Evolutions is happening this week in Las Vegas. I won’t be able to attend this event, but let me know if you are and some great takeaways after you attend! I would love to have someone pop into one of our Clubhouse rooms and share.

Did you see the latest report out from edison research on podcast listenership over the past quarter-century?! It’s great news for podcasting. This means as podcasters, we’re all doing a great job. I see you working hard on your podcast and it shows!

đź“ŠPodcast Listening at Record High!

The Infinite Dial® report is conducted by Edison Research and is the longest-running survey of digital media consumer behavior in the U.S. The 25th Anniversary report was just released and has great news for podcasters with some record-setting numbers. Check out my Reel about the results of this study and more info below.

Highlights from the report

Podcast listening has hit record highs in 2023 with 120 million Americans listening to podcasts at least once a month (42% of the population) and 89 million Americans listening each week (31% of the population) with an average of 9 podcasts listened to that week. After a slight decline in 2022, the 2023 report shows that podcast listenership is back and hitting record-setting numbers!

Use this data

There’s still so much room for podcasts in the industry and big news for potential monetization opportunities. In your next outreach for potential monetization, link this report and share that almost a third of Americans listen to podcasts weekly. Podcast advertiser’s have even more potential to make a positive return in their investments.

Want more information?

The report has detailed information about listenership, including demographics, where the listeners listen, where they spend time on social media, and more. Read the full report here.

🖼️Podcast Cover Art: 6 Key Elements

If you are creating, rebranding, or thinking about changing your podcast cover art (i.e., your logo), you want to consider best practices and avoid the pitfalls that can occur. These tips shown below will help you grab the attention of potential listeners, and let them know the subject and tone of your podcast. Let’s dive in with my 6 key elements of eye-catching and effective podcast cover art design using the acronym A.R.T.I.S.T.!

🖼️A – Attention-grabbing: Keep the text to a minimum, in general 2-3 words is best. Use bold text with bright colors that contrast well with the background colors. Think about your logo as something that should be unique and memorable.

🖼️R – Relevant: The images and colors of the cover art should accurately represent the tone, brand, concept, and theme of your podcast.

🖼️T – Title-oriented: Incorporate the title of the podcast in the cover art making it clear and easy to read.

🖼️I – Image-focused: The images used in your cover art should be engaging and informative about your podcast. A picture of your face as the host is also a great idea. Make sure the images are high-quality.

🖼️S – Simple design: While the cover art should be visually appealing, it also needs to be easy to understand. Avoid cluttering it with too many elements. Remember it will be a small image usually viewed on a smartphone.

🖼️T – Target audience: Choose images that are relevant to your target podcast listening audience.

❓Want some examples of good podcast cover art? Check out my post here!

Want more information and personalized tips for your cover art? Take a listen to our recent Clubhouse room talking about cover art where we analyze each other’s podcast logos. Join us up on stage in a future room live to get our opinion or ask a question! Can’t make it live? Post your cover art in our Facebook group and ask for an opinion.

🔦Women’s History Month Spotlight on Amy Stark

iRonick Media presents a spotlight on our first client and friend Amy Stark’s podcast, The Stark Transformation Show. The podcast is the place for messages of healing, hope, and transformation. Amy teaches her listeners how to shift their mindset, conquer their fears, and become the best version of themselves. You’ll witness live healings as well as hear from Amy’s colleagues, mentors and teachers about the incredible journeys and learnings they’ve been through.

Amy’s been on a journey of healing her mind, body, and soul and has bio and energy-hacked her life from top to bottom. Now, Amy shares her story and helps others to follow a similar path of healing in her podcast.

Take a listen to the podcast here. I often describe Amy’s podcast website as an example. I love how she has a drop-down menu with podcast episode categories grouped for ease of going through the backlog of content.

I’m so grateful to be connected with you and a part of your podcast journey.

All My Best,

đź‘‹Marc Ronick

P.S. Nick and I are hard at work behind the scenes getting ready to kick start NextGen Podcaster, a membership all about using AI for your podcast, don’t miss out! Join the membership here!