☑️Podcast Recording Checklist

☑️Podcast Recording Checklist

👋Hey there Podcaster!

Happy “May the 4th Be With You” to my fellow Star Wars fans. If you like Star Wars, keep an eye out on my Instagram today for a special podcast-related post!

Don’t be underprepared, bring your podcasting A-game with the checklist below.

☑️Podcast Recording Checklist

Most of us podcasters have had it happen time and time again, being caught with our “podcasting pants” down! It’s even more embarrassing when you have a guest there to experience it with you! Never be underprepared again after pressing record by checking out my carousel where I discuss the importance of a podcast recording checklist, including the things I include in mine!

Here are a few key items to include in your checklist:

✔️Test your microphone before recording.

✔️Close background programs on your computer.

✔️Set your devices to “do not disturb”.

✔️Confirm the pronunciation of your guest’s name.

Want the full checklist? You can get a download of the checklist here! What else do you do to prepare for recording? Hit reply and let me know!

🎤New RODECaster Duo Integrated Audio Production Studio

RODE has unveiled a new product for podcasters and content creators, the RODECaster Duo, which is available at the end of May and can be pre-purchased now for $499. The Duo is a compact version of the RODECaster Pro II for easier portability and for a smaller price tag.

The Duo has two microphone inputs, one headset input, two USB computer connections, a wireless receiver, bluetooth connection, seven customizable channels, and six smart sound fx pads.

Learn more about the RODECaster Duo here.

🧠May Mental Health Awareness Month Highlight: Talk Shit With P

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and I will be highlighting podcasts that discuss mental health. This week I am highlighting the podcast Talk Shit With P hosted by Empowered Podcast Clubhouse member Paula Sima!

The podcast is a safe space for people to talk their shit and feel heard while advocating for mental health. Paula is a big mental health advocate constantly highlighting her journey and struggles with mental health while making it a safe space for creators to come on the show and share their creative journey while battling mental health. Paula creates a space to  celebrate our journeys in life highlighting our authenticity through advocating for mental health. She is a firm believer of authenticity and surrounding yourself with authentic people and uplifting your community. Listen to Paula in the Empowered Podcasting Club and listen to her podcast here

She recently interviewed a fellow podcaster in the mental health space that she met at Podfest and shares a podcasting anniversary with. Happy 3rd anniversary for your podcast Paula!

I’m so grateful to be connected with you and a part of your podcast journey. 

All My Best,

iRonick Media - Marc Ronick

👋Marc Ronick

P.S. I would love to fill out my podcast guest calendar. If you want to talk about podcasting with me on your podcast or at your event, hit reply and let’s connect!