🌟The Authentic Force Awakens: How to Conquer the Dark Side of the Algorithms🌑

🌟The Authentic Force Awakens: How to Conquer the Dark Side of the Algorithms🌑

👋Hey there Podcaster!

This past week, I’ve been focusing on some important topics that many of you have questions about—namely, how to navigate the various algorithms like Apple Podcasts or YouTube. I’ve put together an approach that I think can really help you out as a creator. And keep reading because I also share some interesting stats on the growth of podcasting and highlighting Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) Awareness Month, a very important cause that is near and dear to my heart.

🌟The Authentic Force Awakens: How to Conquer the Dark Side of the Algorithms🌑











Ever felt like you’re navigating through a labyrinth of algorithms, just trying to get your content in front of the right eyes? You’re not the only one. These algorithms can be as perplexing as the Star Wars timeline. (IYKYK) But don’t fret! We’ve got the ultimate guide to help you master the algo-verse, avoid the dark side of the algorithm, and rise as the Jedi Master of your content creation journey. Read on to unlock the secrets! 

🌑 The Dark Side of the Algorithm 🌑

The algorithm’s dark side is both alluring and dangerous. Here’s how it can lead you astray:

🌑Engagement: While more likes, comments, and shares win the algorithm’s favor, are you resorting to clickbait or sensationalism to boost engagement negatively?

🌑Trending Topics: Videos on trending subjects get a nod from the algorithm, but if this clashes with your audience’s expectations, it can be disorienting.

🌑Quantity Over Quality: The algorithm rewards frequent uploads, but an excessive focus on quantity can compromise quality.

🌑Burnout: The relentless pursuit of algorithmic approval can lead to stress and burnout, turning you into a frazzled Sith Lord.

🌟 Return of the Jedi: Your Guide to Galactic Glory 🌟

The dark side’s ethical and psychological pressures can tempt even a wise Jedi like Yoda into producing inauthentic content. The resulting stress and burnout aren’t worth the extra views. Here’s how to channel the Force authentically:

🌟Quality Over Quantity: Focus on creating content that resonates with your audience. Their feedback is your guiding star.

🌟Trend Sensibly: Keeping up with every trend is a fool’s errand. Stick to evergreen content that grows over time and aligns with your audience’s interests.

🌟Avoid Clickbait: Sensational titles and thumbnails can erode your credibility. Don’t swindle your audience with misleading content.

🌟Ethical Content: Steer clear of perpetuating myths or stereotypes for the sake of views. Your values should guide your content creation.

🌟Work-Life Balance: Batch-produce content and schedule it to allow for screen breaks and a balanced life.

🌌 Choose Your Path🌌

So, what will it be? Will you succumb to the dark side of the algorithm, or rise as a Jedi Master of authentic content creation? The Force need not be a mystery, nor should these algorithms. With these tips, you can conquer the dark side and emerge as the true Jedi Master of your universe.  The bottom line is you want to be creating content that resonates with and engages your audience.  Focus on that and the algorithim will begin working for you instead of the other way around!

👕Are you enjoying the new Disney+ Star Wars Ahsoka series as much as me? I love it so much, I made an Ahsoka-themed podcast shirt. Check it out!

This article was inspired by a recent video YouTube shared about their algorithm. Watch it here! 

🎧The Podcast Boom: Get Ready for More Ears on Your Show!





A recent study by Nielsen and Edison Research has shed light on something we’ve all been feeling but now have the data to back up: podcast listenership is skyrocketing! 🚀

The Eye-Popping Stats

According to the Nielsen report, the number of Americans tuning into podcasts has increased by an astonishing 68% in just the last five years! And get this: it has more than doubled in the past decade. Yes, you read that right—doubled!

What This Means for You

Now, I know what you’re thinking: more listeners means a bigger audience for your podcast. But let’s dive a bit deeper. More listeners mean:

Diverse Audience

As podcasts are reaching more people, the demographic is also diversifying. It’s not just the tech-savvy youth; it’s people of all age groups and backgrounds. The highest growth in the past five years was Hispanics with nearly doubled growth (95% growth), followed by Asian (76%), White (66%), and then Black (45%).

More Revenue Streams

With a larger audience, the potential for monetization through ads, sponsorships, and even merchandise sales grows exponentially.

Broadened Impact

As someone who’s passionate about spreading ideas, stories, or expertise, imagine your message reaching twice as many ears as before. The ripple effect could be monumental.

Time to Up Your Game

Here’s the kicker: as the audience grows, so does the competition. There are more podcasts out there than ever before, which means listeners have more options. It’s time to up your game:

Quality Content 

Gone are the days when you could get away with poor audio and video quality or haphazard content. Invest in a good microphone, plan your episodes carefully, and maybe even consider professional editing.

Engage Your Audience

Use social media to connect with your audience, ask for feedback, and involve them in the podcasting process. Make them feel like they’re part of your podcast family.

Consistency is Key

Consistency not only in the frequency of your episodes but also in the quality and type of content you produce. This helps to build a loyal listener base.

The golden age of podcasting is upon us, and the horizon looks even brighter. The Nielsen study is a testament to the untapped potential in this medium. So, what are you waiting for? Roll up those sleeves, hit the record button, and ride the podcasting wave to new heights!

Want to have a free chat with me about your podcast? Check out my openings here.

🧬Pod-Story: CMT Awareness Month: CMT 4 ME











September is Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) Awareness Month. CMT is a rare, inherited disease that affects the peripheral nerves, which run from the spinal cord to the hands and feet. CMT was discovered over 130 years ago, but there are still no treatments or cures. There are over 3 million people worldwide affected by CMT and during September we are highlighting a few of them.

Let’s kick off CMT Awareness Month with a Pod-Story from Liz who’s one of the hosts of CMT 4 ME. Liz shares some great insight as a podcaster that everyone can benefit from. You can connect with Liz and CMT 4 ME on Facebook or Instagram. She also has a great blog detailing more of her CMT journey. And of course, listen and subscribe to the podcast for more great insight and inspiring stories. 

Can you tell me how you got the idea to start your podcast?

For the longest time, even before podcasts were so popular, my brother Chris saw an opportunity to make a difference in the CMTA community by highlighting extraordinary people. The over-arching goal was to give a voice to people affected by CMT (and their families, friends and loved ones) to describe challenges, share ways they’ve overcome those challenges and share success stories to inspire the community. Spreading awareness of this disease was one of the biggest motivators. We want to continue to spread awareness of CMT or Charcot-Marie-Tooth (a rare and progressive neuromuscular disease) and unite the community to live well with CMT.

How have you or your podcast changed since you started it?

The central theme of the podcast remains consistent, while Chris and I have undergone an evolution in our hosting approach. Over time, we’ve cultivated a more laid-back demeanor, minimizing instances of talking over each other or vying for attention. What can I say, we both like the limelight! The atmosphere we create encourages a deep introspection, guiding our guests to traverse the depths of their memories, aspirations, and the pivotal crossroads that have sculpted their paths. In these moments of vulnerability, a profound connection is forged – a bridge between speaker and listener, reminding us all of our shared struggles, triumphs, and the unwavering strength that emerges from embracing the full spectrum of our human experiences.

What do you love most about podcasting?

Our dynamic and playful brother-sister relationship not only adds an element of entertainment to the podcast but also creates a genuine space for friendship and authenticity. The laughter and lightheartedness we bring to each episode dismantling any barriers between us and our guests. This shared energy has a remarkable way of instilling a sense of ease, allowing the stories to flow naturally and uninhibited. The result is an atmosphere where vulnerability coexists with joy, and where every guest feels like they’re simply chatting with friends. The unscripted nature of our interactions lends an air of spontaneity, enabling us to capture the true essence of each guest’s journey without filters or pretense. As hosts, we are not only privileged to hear these narratives firsthand but also to be conduits for sharing the invaluable life lessons, strength, and inspiration our guests impart. It’s a powerful reminder that the human experience transcends any boundaries or labels, fostering empathy and connection within a diverse audience. The resilience and wisdom our guests exhibit resonate deeply, touching the hearts of listeners far and wide, regardless of their individual backgrounds. In the end, the laughter, the camaraderie, and the shared stories coalesce into a podcast that’s more than just a recording – it’s a testament to the indomitable spirit of the human journey and the unbreakable bonds that form when we open our hearts and truly listen to one another.

What kind of hurdles have you come across while podcasting?

The logistical hurdles of coordinating pre-interviews and recording sessions across various time zones can be a complex juggling act. The global nature of our podcast, while enriching in terms of diverse perspectives, can also create a unique set of difficulties when it comes to finding suitable times for recording. Additionally, the demands of maintaining a podcast alongside your already busy lives can bring about its own set of obstacles. Balancing work, personal commitments, and the podcasting process requires careful time management and a dedication to our work. This might include researching guests, preparing questions, editing episodes, and promoting the podcast, all of which can be time-intensive tasks. However, despite these minor hurdles; we forge ahead knowing we are not just producing a podcast – we are also creating a platform that connects people from around the world through shared experiences and narratives.

Has anything surprising or amazing come out of your podcasting experience that you didn’t expect?

It’s quite surprising how I can meet someone in a public forum or speak with friends who spontaneously call me by my podcast name – LizO. That tells me they are listening to the podcast and relating to our characters. When we analyze the statistics, we’re performing remarkably well. It’s a bit humbling, but I have to admit that Chris was right when he advocated for starting a podcast focused on the CMT community.

Do you have a favorite episode that means a lot to you?

Regarding a favorite episode, all of our podcast guests hold a special place in our hearts due to their tales of resilience, strength, and bravery. It’s genuinely difficult to pick a favorite among them, as they’re all uniquely meaningful in their own ways.

As a fellow podcaster, what’s one piece of advice that you would give to someone who is just starting or thinking about starting a podcast?

Ask superfans with backgrounds in marketing, social media and/or podcasts for constructive criticism. A little feedback goes a long way!

How has Marc’s advice or guidance assisted or impacted you on your podcast journey?

Without Marc’s invaluable guidance, we might never have summoned the courage to embark on our podcasting journey. In those early stages, Marc’s unwavering assistance served as a guiding light, illuminating our path and empowering us to take those crucial first steps. Together, we meticulously crafted a comprehensive action plan, and during those nascent episodes, Marc’s presence felt like a reassuring hand to hold. His steadfast support proved to be the pivotal force that propelled us forward. Moreover, Marc’s prowess extends beyond merely staying abreast of emerging trends; he possesses an uncanny ability to conceive innovative concepts that push the boundaries of conventional podcasting. With Marc’s expansive perspective, we’ve dared to venture beyond the confines of convention, delivering episodes that are refreshingly original and captivating. It’s worth noting that Marc’s expansive network played a pivotal role in reshaping our podcast’s trajectory. Through his far-reaching connections, we crossed paths with the exceptional Ashley Feller, who assumed the role of our podcast assistant. Ashley’s profound understanding of podcasting intricacies, coupled with her unwavering dedication and tireless work ethic, has been nothing short of transformative. The infusion of Ashley’s expertise and energy has propelled our CMT 4 Me podcast to unprecedented heights of enjoyment and achievement.

Anything else you would like to add?

We are looking forward to 2024 and have already concocted a list of fun and innovative podcast ideas. So go to CMT 4 ME and leave us a 5 star review! Help us rise and continue to help others with CMT.

I’m so grateful to be connected with you and a part of your podcast journey. 

All My Best,




👋Marc Ronick

This content was composed with assistance from AI