🤝The Power of Podcasting Commitment

🤝The Power of Podcasting Commitment

👋Hey there Podcaster!

Let’s plant the seeds of podcasting success together! Get your shovel and dig into some helpful podcasting tips!

🤝The Power of Podcasting Commitment

We have been focusing on the 3 Cs of podcasting in Clubhouse recently which include Consistency, Commitment, and Confidence. Last week, we discussed commitment and how essential it is to podcasting. Below are few highlights from our conversation:

  • A podcaster’s level of commitment is what separates the successful podcasts from those that struggle. 
  • Commitment is about going all in and facing the challenges and obstacles of podcasting head on without leaving any escape routes. 
  • Remind yourself constantly of WHY you started podcasting in the first place.
  • Many people don’t follow through on the commitments they make to themselves, and by doing that, they may lose respect for themselves and feel disappointed.
  • Stop and smell the roses often and recognize the fruits of your effort to give you the extra boost you need to continue to commit each week. Join us in our Clubhouse rooms on Friday morning 7am EST to share your weekly wins with us, use the group for accountability, or post in our Facebook Group.

Listen to the full room replay where we talk about commitment in much more detail here! Check out my reel about commitment here!

Clubhouse Update

You may have noticed that Clubhouse has transformed all of the rooms into houses. Our original club has turned into a room where all the room replays are available, but no additional rooms will be held, because we have also created a new house so that we can have ownership of it. 

Please join us in the new house, there are a lot less members now due to the switch and would like to invite everyone back over. We are still there every weekday morning 7-8am EST. Join us!

🎙️She Podcasts Live in June

One of the next podcasting conferences this year will be held June 19-22 in Washington, DC organized by She Podcasts. Find out more information about the event, agenda, speakers, and registration here: https://www.shepodcasts.com/ 

In-person podcasting events are great opportunities for collaboration and connection with fellow podcasters and industry professionals. Check out the upcoming conferences, plan, and budget accordingly so you can be a part of the potentially life-changing events like a lot of other podcasters have experienced (including myself).

🧩April Autism Awareness Month Highlight: Late Bloomer Living Podcast

April is Autism Awareness month and I will be promoting podcasts discussing autism. This week I am highlighting Empowered Podcasting Clubhouse community member Yvonne Marchese’s podcast Late Bloomer Living, a weekly podcast delivering a fresh perspective on midlife living and reinvention. 

Yvonnne’s episode #139 on April 12, hosted Dan Watts, who produced and directed his first documentary. Dan’s movie is called “Everybody Dance”, which highlights a California dance studio called, Ballet for All Kids, with many students on the Autism spectrum among other disabilities. Listen to the episode here and watch a trailer of the movie here.

To learn more about Autism Awareness Month visit: https://www.autismspeaks.org/ 

↗️NextGen Podcaster Membership

Nick and I were so honored last week to be able to speak to legendary Entrepreneurs on Fire podcast host, John Lee Dumas’ group about how to use AI for podcasting. It went really well and we got great feedback! 

The talk is only accessible to John’s group, however, it was similar to the free chatGPT workshop we conducted in February, and the replay is available to view here: https://youtu.be/SsMFSvqzPM0 

👉There is still time to join the NextGen Podcaster Membership if you feel like you are missing out! It now includes a 30-day trial membership! 🤯

I’m so grateful to be connected with you and a part of your podcast journey. 

All My Best,

iRonick Media - Marc Ronick

👋Marc Ronick