🎧🤑 Turn Up the Volume on Your Podcast Profits!

🎧🤑 Turn Up the Volume on Your Podcast Profits!



👋Hey there Podcaster!

Welcome to the latest edition of The iRony Podcast Newsletter! I hope everyone in America had a great 4th of July holiday last week! I was finishing up getting moved (again) and setting up our Airbnb, which is a very exciting side-business my wife and I took on just one year ago. I’m so proud of our hard work (well, mostly hers, really) to reach that goal with my amazing wife, Amy, by my side!

As a special note, Happy 20th Birthday to podcasting! The first podcast was recorded on July 9th, 2003. There are now 4+ million podcasts worldwide and over 40% of Americans listen to a podcast every month.

This week in the newsletter, we’re discussing podcast monetization which has been a recent topic in our Clubhouse rooms and NextGen Podcaster meetings. We’re also talking about using Threads as a podcaster and sharing a podcast in honor of Disability Pride Month.

Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to stay ahead of the curve!

🎧🤑 Turn Up the Volume on Your Podcast Profits!








Recently in our Podcasting Morning Chat, we’ve been discussing monetizing your podcast. We covered a lot of ground over two different chats!  I encourage you to join our Clubhouse room live or listen to the replays so you can get all of the nuggets… and connections that are being shared and made over there. For now, we’ll dive into a couple of key points from our discussions and hope this helps you in your monetization plan. 

First, we talked about common misconceptions regarding podcast monetization, and although we covered a lot of great points, the most common misconception we debunked is that you need 1000s of listeners to get a sponsor. With the rise of micro influencers, this isn’t necessarily the case. Micro influencers really know their audience and what they are looking for in terms of products or services. So, a sponsor may have a bigger advantage with a smaller podcast because it’s right in their niche or with their ideal clients that are potentially listening in.

Another thing we discussed was affiliate marketing, which is like a commission program for a product or service. When you choose a company to be an affiliate for, you want to make sure their products truly align with your content or messaging on your show. A great tip we discussed when looking for companies to be an affiliate for, is to just do an internet search for something you’re interested in or featuring on your show plus the word “affiliate” and go through the results to find what works for you. Another tip is to be an affiliate for products you already use, it helps add authenticity and avoids a mere ‘money-grab’ image. 

That’s all I’ll cover in this newsletter but I really do encourage you to head over to our Clubhouse room and tune in for more great conversations like this that will help inspire and educate you in your podcasting journey. I will see you there! 

🧵New Social Media Platform: Using Threads as a Podcaster









On Monday this week in our Empowered Podcasting Clubhouse room, we discussed the new Meta social media platform “Threads” (a Twitter alternate) that was released last week and its usefulness for podcasters. Take a listen to the replay where lots of great ideas were shared and join us in future rooms as I am sure the topic will come up again and again. 

Threads had 100 million users sign up in only five days! This is likely due to the ease of signing up. It is a seamless process using your Instagram account and you get to move over your Instagram profile, bio, and followers to Threads also. That is a 7% conversion rate from the 1.3 million Instagram user-base. This is a lot of potential as it continues to grow to find your audience and experiment with the new-ness, free-flow, authenticity, and excitement.

I created a carousel on Instagram describing something that the pioneer Threads users have experienced already. “Threads Gurus” are already popping up saying they can help you grow during the infancy period of the platform, and it has me a bit riled up. Check out my post for what I really think about the gurus and what you can do as a podcaster and content creator instead on this new app.

Want to see how I am using Threads? Give me a follow if you are joining and let’s connect! https://www.threads.net/@marcronick Reply and let me know if you have tried Threads and what you like and don’t like about it as a podcaster.

🦽July National Disability Pride Month Highlight: He Walks Like a Cowboy





July is National Disability Pride Month and this month we are highlighting podcasts that discuss disabilities. This week, let’s take a look at the podcast He Walks Like A Cowboy hosted by Jonah Berger. Jonah is a youth director and motivational speaker for kids and adults with disabilities. Jonah wears leg braces due to his Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) condition. He is also a father, husband, author, drummer, and my best friend! Jonah’s podcast will inspire you to see a disability not as a challenge, but as a strength. His perspective on life will leave you thinking and smiling.

I’m so grateful to be connected with you and a part of your podcast journey. 

All My Best,

iRonick Media - Marc Ronick




👋Marc Ronick

This content was composed with assistance from OpenAI